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"Variaver setting" action and data type

Power Automate Desktop can add actions from the GUI by drag and drop, but internally, a programming language called Robin is assembled.

When creating an action, you may see parameters covered with percent (%) in many situations, but you can also specify mathematical formulas and objects.

This time, I will explain the data type that can be defined using "Configuring variables".

Define character string / numerical data

First of all, when a percentage value is set in the destination part.

In this case, if the number is only, the text value type is automatically assigned if it includes the numerical type and the numerical value.

Copy the following code and paste it on the flow editing screen.

A flow that defines two variables, a string and a number, is created.

SET VarNumber TO 15000
SET VarString TO $'''hello'''

When you execute and check the flow variables, you can see that each is automatically determined as "numerical values" and "text values".



Define lists and objects

Next is when it is covered in a percentage.

In this case, not only numerical values and strings, but also objects with lists and multiple properties can be defined in this one action.

Copy the following code and paste it on the flow editing screen.

A list and object, a flow that defines two variables is created.

SET InitializedList TO ['itemA', 'itemB', 'itemC']
SET InitializedObject TO { 'prop': 'value', 'array': ['itemA', 'itemB'] }

If you execute and check the flow variable, you can see that the data type is different from the previous one.



Can the date type be defined?

I can't conclude.Let's use an action such as "I will get the current date and time".

There are some reservations that cannot be used as variables in Power Automate Desktop, but it is not the case that reserved words can be used in percentage areas.

Therefore, it is difficult to get the date because it is not possible to access objects that have a date -related function.