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Change the uppercase and lowercase letters of text

This time, I will explain how to convert character strings containing alphabets into capital letters and lowercase letters.

implemented with copy and paste

This time, as a sample, we have prepared a scenario that generates a random character string and converts it into uppercase and lowercase letters.

Copy the following code and paste it on the edit screen of Power Automate Desktop to add the target action.

Text.Random UseUpperCaseLetters: True UseLowerCaseLetters: True UseDigits: False UseSymbols: False MinimumLength: 10 MaximumLength: 10 RandomText=> RandomText
Text.ChangeCase Text: RandomText NewCase: Text.CaseOption.UpperCase Result=> UpperCase
Text.ChangeCase Text: RandomText NewCase: Text.CaseOption.LowerCase Result=> LowerCase

Operate and implement Power Automate Desktop

  1. Enter "Change the size of the text character" from "Search Action" and set the property as if it were.

    Parameter namevalue
    Text to convertText data
    Conversion destinationSelect uppercase, lowercase letters, uppercase characters only for the top
  2. When executed, a variable converted to uppercase and lowercase is set based on the specified conditions.