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Delete duplicate data from the list

Power Automate Desktop calls a variable that can store multiple values.

This time, I will explain how to delete duplicate data from the value stored in the list.

implemented with copy and paste

Copy the following code and paste it on the edit screen of Power Automate Desktop to add the target action.

Variables.CreateNewList List=> List
Variables.AddItemToList Item: 3 List: List NewList=> List
Variables.AddItemToList Item: 1 List: List NewList=> List
Variables.AddItemToList Item: 1 List: List NewList=> List
Variables.AddItemToList Item: 2 List: List NewList=> List
Variables.RemoveDuplicateItemsFromList List: List IgnoreCase: False NewList=> List

Power Automate Desktop is implemented

  1. From "Search for action", enter "Delete duplicate items from the list".
  2. Select the target list to generate a list that does not overlap the data stored at the time of execution.