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Delete calendar

Google Apps Script has a standard CalendarApp class, which is a library for operating Google Calendar.

Here, we will explain how to delete a specific calendar from the target account using the CalendarApp class.

Since GAS will access Google Calendar, you will need to set the authority at the first run.


To delete the calendar, you need to get the target calendar.

The following is an example of the acquisition method.

Get calendar from the calendar ID
const CALENDAR_ID = '___The ID of the calendar to get___';

/** @type { CalendarApp.Calendar | null } */
const calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(CALENDAR_ID);

For more information about how to get a calendar, see the following page.

Function to use

Use the following functions to delete the calendar.

Function details

Use the deleteCalendar method provided in the Calendar class.

There is no return value.

Sample code

Create a new calendar
const CALENDAR_ID = '___The ID of the calendar to get___';

function myFunction() {
const calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(CALENDAR_ID);


console.log(`The calendar of the ID "${CALENDAR_ID}" has been deleted`);